Who We Are

The Harrison Yacht Club (HYC) is a non-profit organization and governed by the Society Act of British Columbia, Canada. The purposes of HYC must be carried out without financial gain for its members and any profit or other accretions to the HYC shall be used for promoting its purposes. 

HYC Purposes are to:

  1. encourage safe boating;

  2. provide stewardship of the environment of Harrison Lake;

  3. provide and maintain a suitable marina and club facility for its members;

  4. promote the fundamental strengths of the club through social interaction and membership volunteer work efforts; and

  5. provide representation to recognize other Yacht Club organizations.

Our History

HYC was founded on March 7, 1978, by a small group of  sailing and boating enthusiasts from various communities in the Upper Fraser Valley. The HYC initially operated from the Old Yellow Dock at the Harrison Marina. In 1984, the HYC moved to its present location at the old Ranger Station where it has sub-leased water lot Block ā€œDā€ and the old Ranger Station garage and maintenance facility from the Village of Harrison Hot Springs. Since then all improvements and additions to the docks and the old Ranger Station garage (now the HYC Clubhouse) have become the property of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs.

On the August 14, 2007 the HYC, in partnership with the Village of Harrison Hot Springs, was able to secure a five year sub-lease for the water lot Block D. This agreement has allowed to HYC to better plan its future while providing a fair sub-lease return to the Village of Harrison Hot Springs.